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  • Writer's picturezelechowski mathieu

So Season 2017/2018 In Courchevel ?

It’s been 2 days now that the winter season ended for me. So much happened, I left Courchevel in the morning driving my jeep on one single 900 kilometers trip, only stopping to refuel and wee. Arriving in Biarritz and starting to think about what’s gonna be my life for the next couple of months. Winter is over I know there’s still tons of snow in Courchevel. And this winter season has been on memories exceptional.

The amount of snow we had was just unbelievable, the old locals said that they saw this amount of snow 40 years ago.

The down side was the lack of blue skies and sun, and being a physiotherapist osteopath, I know how important exposure to day light is, it plays on mood (read this post here), energy and mental force to do you day well. I wouldn’t exaggerate to say that we had on the all winter season 2 to 3 weeks of sun. I used personally a special lamp at home that reproduces day light, I didn’t believe in the technology at first but got convinced after using it. I need a strong mental and energy to accomplish a successful osteopath session or physio session. Being in Courchevel for so many seasons I know the importance of day light on stamina. This last season has been so good for snow but so bad for light.

Work wise the number of requests I had was far beyond what I’m handling usually, a lot more request for osteopath session, mixed with physio, sports massage just felt down to a bit.

The clientele changed as well, by nations Ukrainians are nonexistent, less Russians less and less each season by the way I think the result western sanctions on Russian and the value of trouble decreasing continuously, Asia is on the rise with more and more visitors from Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia, Americans are still not to be found, Australia on the rise especially the beginning of the season, brazil on the rise again. Theirs habits changed, after many abuses in the resort, clients are more careful on their spending and I think it’s a good thing. I just rose my price by 10% for osteopathy and physio this year after no rise for 8 years, but my housing costs just double in 2 years.

Fatigue was a big issue for me I had a 7/7 day working pattern all season with physio or osteopath appointments finishing sometimes at around 1 AM. I had to carefully manage sleep take every free time I had to sleep or during those rare days of sun go for a ride.

This season was the most intense one I ever had work wise, and I’m not complaining I prefer to work hard instead of waiting for phone calls, I refused many times inquiries. Weather wise an incredible season, with unbelievable amount of snow falls, but a grey winter over all in the Courchevel ski resort. The resort itself, shops, hotel, chalets, night life I got seriously no idea as it was my busiest season ever. Thanks for all the people who supported me despite the adversity…. Thanks for all the people who trusted me for work, thanks for all my returning clients, thanks for all the positive people around me. Season is over now, I m working in Dubai for a week writing the end of the post there. I ll keep writing posts until next winter season. See you all in Courchevel!!!!!

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